COMMISSIONERS COURT   722 Moody, County Courthouse, Galveston, TX 77550 (409) 766-2244


              Mark Henry              Darrell Apffel                   Joe Giusti                                      Stephen Holmes               Robin Armstrong, MD

                    County Judge    Commissioner, Precinct 1    Commissioner, Precinct 2     Commissioner, Precinct 3     Commissioner, Precinct 4



June 12, 2023 – 9:30 AM






In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), persons in need of a special

accommodation to participate in this proceeding shall, within three (3) days prior to any proceeding contact the

County Judge’s office at 722 Moody, Galveston, Texas 77550 (409) 766-2244.




Call to Order


Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance


Public Comment


Consent Agenda



Submitted by the Auditor's Office:



Approval of the accounts payable checks dated 6/5/2023 and 6/12/2023



Order for payroll ending 6/7/2023 bi-weekly #12



Order for supplemental payroll period ending 6/7/2023 bi-weekly #12



Internal audit quarterly audit report for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 for period of 1/1/2023 - 3/31/2023



Internal audit quarterly audit report for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 for period of 1/1/2023 - 3/31/2023



Internal audit quarterly audit report for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 for period of 1/1/2023 - 3/31/2023



Internal audit quarterly audit report for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 for period of 1/1/2023 - 3/31/2023



Execution of IRS form 8038-CP Return for Credit Payments to Issuers of Qualified Bonds



Receive and file summary of bi-weekly personnel movements pay period #11, May 11 – 24, 2023 submitted by Human Resources



Consideration of authorizing the Purchasing Agent to issue a formal Request For Qualifications for retirement plan consulting & investment advisor services for the County’s Social Security Alternative Plan on behalf of Human Resources



Receive and file approved 2022 CAD audit submitted by Galveston Central Appraisal District



Receive and file Galveston County Emergency Services District No. 1 audit report (2022) submitted by the County Judge



Receive and file termination notice of contract for sale of real property dated February 6, 2023 between Galveston County and Wingfield Partners, LLC concerning the purchase and sale of approximately 8.7957 acres in Galveston County submitted by Legal Services Manager



Receive and file recovery settlement for property damage to motorized gate at 722 Moody Avenue in the amount of $9,650.00 submitted by Legal Services Manager



Consideration of approval of a donation of a 3'x6' beach toy library to be placed at beach entry points on the Bolivar Beaches from Seaside Lumber, submitted by Parks & Cultural Services



Consideration of approval of a donation of a 3'x6' beach toy library to be placed at beach entry points on the Bolivar Beaches from Bay Vue Methodist Church, submitted by Parks & Cultural Services



Consideration of approval of a donation of a 3'x6' beach toy library to be placed at beach entry points on the Bolivar Beaches from Fraternal Order of Eagles, submitted by Parks & Cultural Services



Consideration of approval of repair fiber run at Sheriff's office Jail with Datavox submitted by Information Technology



Consideration of approval of zero-cost Microsoft Cloud based data storage system, development, and initial build with Invisio Corp submitted by Information Technology



Consideration of approval of cell phone request for Constable, Precinct 4 with AT&T submitted by Information Technology




Consideration of release of lien for nuisance abatement lien at 1009 Head Hunter Dr., Gilchrist, TX 77617 a/k/a Abst. 31 R Barrow Lot 28 Hughes S-D Out Lot 7 Cade S-D submitted by Legal Services Manager and Nuisance Abatement



Consideration of approval of an order granting various residence homestead exemptions from the 2023 Tax Levy pursuant to V.T.C.A., Tax Code §11.13 and §11.131 submitted by Legal Services Manager



Consideration of approval of an order authorizing the split payment of 2023 ad valorem taxes pursuant to V.T.C.A, tax code §31.03 submitted by Legal Services Manager



Consideration of approving a sworn statement in proof of loss to Great American Insurance Company of New York Claim A00374923 for a fire loss on July 10, 2021 for additional amount due of $120, 911.58 submitted by Legal Services Manager



Consideration of approval of renewal of a contract between Galveston County and the Galveston County Firefighters Association to serve as a resource to member departments in training coordination and other programs submitted by Legal Services Manager



Consideration of approval of amendment to FY23 Galveston County Firefighters Association contract for management software subscription fee submitted by Legal Services Manager



Consideration for authorization to extend the contract for RFP #B211040, Emergency Rental Assistance 2 (ERA2) on behalf of Professional Services submitted by the Purchasing Agent



Consideration for authorization to issue formal solicitations for the yearly newsletter to County tax payers submitted by the Purchasing Agent



Consideration for authorization to cancel and re-solicit for aerial adulticide application services on behalf of the Mosquito Control Department submitted by the Purchasing Agent



Consideration of approval for FY 2023 amendment #2 with Salvation Army for the emergency financial assistance contract submitted by Professional Services



Consideration of approval for FY 2023 amendment #2 with St. Vincent's for the emergency financial assistance contract submitted by Professional Services



Consideration of approval of a one-month application deadline extension to the Galveston County Juror Donation Policy (Section C - VI-VII), submitted by Professional Services




Consideration of authorization for County Judge to sign FY 2022/2023 Solid Waste Implementation Grant award amendment from the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality through the Houston-Galveston Area Council as submitted by Professional Services



Consideration of authorization for County Judge to sign amendment #1 to the FY 2023 Senior Meals Grant from the Houston-Galveston Area Council - Area Agency on Aging as submitted by Professional Services



Consideration of approval to submit statewide initiative to promote play grant application to Playcore as submitted by Professional Services



Consideration of approval of the following budget amendments submitted by Professional Services:



Facilities Services - Request transfer from General Fund - Budgeted Reserves to Medical Examiner-La Marque - CIP Buildings to fund Sovereign Change Order No. 12



District Court Administration - Request transfer from General Fund - Budgeted Reserves to 56th District Court - Court Reporter to fund court reporter services for remainder of Fiscal Year 2023



Facilities Services - Request transfer within American Rescue Plan Stimulus from Jail Control System Retrofit - Technology Hardware to Jail Safety Padding Project - Building Improvements to fund the replacement of cell padding at County jail



Professional Services - Request transfer from Court Reporter Services - Budgeted Reserves & Court Reporter - Software Licensing and Maintenance to Court Reporter - Hardware Maintenance Contract to fund Stenograph renewal for Fiscal Year 2023



Consideration of approval of an interlocal government agreement for Emergency 911 dispatch services with the City of Hitchcock submitted by the Sheriff's office



Consideration of approval of amendment to interlocal governmental agreement for School Liaison Officer Program with Texas City Independent School District to add two deputies submitted by the Sheriff's office



Consideration of approval of change order no. 3 to the Lucas Construction contract for the Jamaica Beach Street Improvements project submitted by the County Engineer



Consideration of approval to release bond no. 107398713 in the amount of $100,000.00 in association with Texas City Hurricane Levee permit no. TCSW-21-371 issued to Eastman Chemical - Texas City Operations submitted by the County Engineer



Consideration of approval of Roy Mauney subdivision plat submitted by Platting & Right-of-Way



Consideration of approval of Redfish RV & Storage subdivision plat submitted by Platting & Right-of-Way



Request for waiver or refund of penalty and interest due to clerical errors by the USPS as recommended by Penalty & Interest Review Committee in accordance with County Policy submitted by the Tax Assessor/Collector



Consideration of request of tax refunds in excess of $2,500.00 submitted by the Tax Assessor/Collector


Action Agenda



County Engineer



Sand Pit Permit Application for 687 Hwy 87, Crystal Beach



Receive public comments



Consideration of approval of permit






Consideration of approval of awarding the following bid and authorizing the County Judge to execute the contract for the following:



ITB #B232014A, Lightweight Aggregate Road Materials





Appearances before Commissioners Court


A speaker whose subject matter as submitted relates to an identifiable item of business on this agenda will be requested by the County Judge or other presiding court members to come to the podium where they will be limited to three minutes (3). A speaker whose subject matter as submitted does not relate to an identifiable item of business on this agenda will be limited to three minutes (3) and will be allowed to speak before the meeting is adjourned. Please arrive prior to the meeting and sign in with the County Clerk.   


Executive Sessions


The Galveston County Commissioners Court may recess into closed meeting (Executive Session) on any item listed on this agenda if the Executive Session is authorized under the Open Meetings Act pursuant to one or more the following exceptions:  Tex. Gov’t Code §§ 551.071 (consultation with attorney), 551.072 (deliberation regarding real property), 551.073 (deliberation regarding a prospective gift or donation), 551.074 (personnel matters), 551.0745 (personnel matters affecting County advisory body), 551.076 (deliberation regarding security devices or security audits),  and/or 551.087 (deliberations regarding economic development negotiations).  The Presiding Officer of the Commissioners Court shall announce the basis for the Executive Session prior to recessing into Executive Session.  However, the Commissioners Court may only enter into the Executive Session on any agenda item for which a separate Executive Session has not been separately posted if, prior to conducting the Executive Session, a majority of the Commissioners Court votes to go into Executive Session.  This motion requirement does not apply to any agenda item that has been previously noticed to constitute or include an Executive Session.


