BE IT REMEMBERED, That on April 21, 2023, Commissioners Court of Galveston County, Texas, met at a special meeting with the following present:


 Mark Henry, County Judge


 Darrell A. Apffel, Commissioner Precinct 1


 Joe Giusti, Commissioner Precinct 2


 Stephen D. Holmes, Commissioner Precinct 3


 Robin Armstrong, MD, Commissioner Precinct 4


 Dwight D. Sullivan, County Clerk by Mae Ross, Deputy




Call to Order by Judge Henry at 1:00 P.M. at the Calder Annex.




No public comment.





Consideration of a resolution designating April 30, 2023 as National Therapy Animal Day submitted by Commissioner, Precinct 3



Consideration of authorizing the County Judge to execute the interlocal health services collaboration agreement between Galveston County, Texas and The University of Texas Medical Branch for employee health submitted by the County Judge


Motion to approve consent agenda item 2 only by Commissioner Holmes, seconded by County Judge Henry.


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)



Consideration of authorizing the Purchasing Agent to issue a formal request for qualifications for Retirement Plan Consultant & Investment Advisor services on behalf of Human Resources


Motion to approve consent agenda item 3 only by County Judge Henry, seconded by Commissioner Armstrong.


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)



Consideration of approval of authorizing the County Judge to execute and enter into a legal services agreement with Public Interest Legal Foundation submitted by the County Judge


Motion to approve consent agenda item 4 only by County Judge Henry, seconded by Commissioner Giusti.


Passed: 4-1


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: Commissioner Holmes



Consideration of approval of the following budget amendment submitted by Professional Services:



Professional Services - Request transfer from General Fund - Fund Balance Reserves to Sheriff's Corrections to fund settlement agreement for Cause No. 22-CV-0068 approved by Commissioners Court on April, 17, 2023


Motion to approve consent agenda items 1-5a by County Judge Henry, seconded by Commissioner Giusti with the exception of item(s): 2, 3, 4. (Agenda items 2, 3 and 4 voted on separately.)


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)




Commissioners Court adjourned at 1:30 P.M. on Friday, April 21, 2023.