BE IT REMEMBERED, That on August 7, 2023, Commissioners Court of Galveston County, Texas, met at a regular meeting with the following present:


 Mark Henry, County Judge


 Darrell A. Apffel, Commissioner Precinct 1


 Joe Giusti, Commissioner Precinct 2


 Stephen D. Holmes, Commissioner Precinct 3


 Robin Armstrong, MD, Commissioner Precinct 4


 Dwight D. Sullivan, County Clerk by Brandy Chapman, Chief Deputy




Call to Order by County Judge Henry at 9:30 A.M. at the Galveston County Courthouse.




Commissioner Giusti led the Court in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Invocation was given by Commissioner Holmes.




No public comment.





Submitted by the Auditor's Office:



Approval of the accounts payable checks dated 7/31/2023 and 8/7/2023



Order for payroll ending 8/2/2023 bi-weekly #16



Order for supplemental payroll period ending 8/2/2023 bi-weekly #16



Early check release dated 7/28/2023 to Greer Herz and Adams check number AP00465028



FY2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report



FY2022 Single Audit Report



Internal audit quarterly audit report for the Department of Mosquito Control for period of 4/1/2023 - 6/30/2023



Pursuant to Local Government Code 111.0106, certification of funds from State of Texas



Receive and file refund check list from Odyssey submitted by the County Clerk



Receive and file summary of bi-weekly personnel movements pay period #15, July 6 – 19, 2023 submitted by Human Resources



Consideration of approval of (re)appointments to the Gulf Coast Water Authority submitted by Commissioner, Precinct 1



Receive and file Galveston County Adult Probation department initial budgets for FY2024 and FY2025 submitted by Adult Probation



Consideration of approval of a print job agreement by and between Galveston Newspapers Inc., publishers of The Daily News, and the County of Galveston, for the printing and mailing of the County's annual newsletter submitted by County Judge



Consideration of approval of an interlocal agreement with the Texas General Land Office for distribution and maintenance of beach access mats and/or beach access wheelchairs on the Bolivar Peninsula submitted by Parks & Cultural Services



Consideration of approval of authorizing the County Judge to sign the quote for playground equipment from Playcore c/o Cunningham Recreation for Fort Travis Seashore Park, submitted by Parks & Cultural Services



Consideration of approval of a contract with Compu Data for CertaVote, ballot by mail software program, submitted by County Clerk



Consideration of authorization for the County Judge to sign the contract between the City of Santa Fe and the Elections Division submitted by the County Clerk



Consideration of authorizing the County Judge to sign O’Haver Contractors Certificate of Substantial Completion for Galveston County Road & Bridge Facilities submitted by Facilities


Motion to deny request by County Judge Henry, seconded by Commissioner Apffel.


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)



Consideration of entering into a project management services agreement with Turner & Townsend Heery, LLC for the new Road & Bridge Maintenance Facility submitted by Facilities



Consideration of authorization of the abatement of three (3) public nuisances submitted by Nuisance Abatement:



1402 Martinique, Port Bolivar (Filed in Real Property Records of County Clerk’s Office, having instrument File No. 2023045668.)



5126 Patricia Ln, Bacliff (Filed in Real Property Records of County Clerk’s Office, having instrument File No. 2023045669.)



800 7th St, San Leon (Filed in Real Property Records of County Clerk’s Office, having instrument File No. 2023045670.)



Consideration of approval of Barracuda support/maintenance renewal with SHI GOVT Solutions submitted by Information Technology



Consideration of approval of renewal of DigiCert SSL certificate- SOGALVESTONSO.COM with DigiCert Inc. submitted by Information Technology



Consideration of approval of change order to implement dependent verification functionality in Workday with Cognizant Technology Solutions submitted by Information Technology



Consideration of approval to add Chase for OpenGov permitting payment option with Vertosoft LLC. submitted by Information Technology



Consideration of approval of SolarWinds Hybrid Cloud Observability annual subscription renewal for network and server monitoring with SHI Govt Solution submitted by Information Technology



Consideration for authorization to extend the contract for RFQ #B212037, Auditing and Related Services on behalf of the County Auditor submitted by the Purchasing Agent



Consideration for authorization to extend the contract for ITB #B212039, Vehicles Repairs - Galveston Island on behalf of the Sheriff's office submitted by the Purchasing Agent



Consideration for authorization to re-solicit for Digital Evidence Project on behalf of Information Technology submitted by the Purchasing Agent



Consideration for authorization to dispose of salvage or surplus property submitted by the Purchasing Agent



Consideration of approval to submit 2024 Operation Lone Star Task Force grant application to the Office of the Governor - Homeland Security Division as submitted by Professional Services



Consideration of acceptance of Statewide Initiatives to Promote Play grant award from Playcore as submitted by Professional Services



Consideration of approval for County Judge to sign subrecipient agreement for TDEM-Administered Grant Awards from the Texas Division of Emergency Management as submitted by Professional Services



Consideration of approval of the following budget amendments submitted by Professional Services:



Professional Services - Request transfer from within Employee Benefits from Medical Claims Paid to Dental Insurance Premium to fund expenses for the remainder of fiscal year 2023



District Court Administration - Request transfer from within District Court Administration from Interpreters to Competency to Stand Trial Evaluation to fund the increase need of trial evaluations



District Court Administration - Request transfer within District Court Indigent Defense from Court Appointed Capital Cases to Court Appointed Adult Misdemeanors to fund increase case load for the remainder of fiscal year 2023



District Court Administration - Request transfer within District Court Indigent Defense from Court Appointed Capital Cases to Court Appointed Adult Felony to fund increase in depositions for fiscal year 2023



Legal Services - Request transfer from General Fund - Budgeted Reserves to Legal Department - Contract Legal Services & Other Litigation Expenditures to fund panel service agreements with attorney firms



Legal Services - Request transfer from General Fund - Budgeted Reserves to Sheriff Department - Corrections - Jail Healthcare Contract to fund settlement agreement cause 22-CV-0068



Information Technology - Request transfer within American Rescue Plan from ERP Upgrade - Other Financial Assistance to Subscription - Based IT Agreement to fund change order for collaborative solutions



Professional Services - Request transfer from Professional Services - Various Line Items & Grant Administration - Various Line Items to Extraordinary Supplies to fund expenses for the remainder of FY 23



Professional Services - Request transfer from Election Expense - Subscription-Based IT Agreement to Election Services Contract Fund - Subscription-Based IT Agreement to fund within appropriate cost center



Sheriff's Office - Request transfer within Sheriff Department - Corrections from Travel and Conference to Marketing and Advertising to fund recruitment job fairs



Constable Precinct 4 - Request transfer from General Fund - Budgeted Reserves to Constable Precinct 4 - Maintenance & Repairs Equipment to fund drone repairs


Motion to approve consent agenda item 26k only by County Judge Henry, seconded by Commissioner Armstrong.


Passed: 4-1


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: Commissioner Holmes



General Government - Request transfer from General Fund - Budgeted Reserves to General Government - Marketing and Advertising to fund yearly newsletter costs



Consideration of authorizing the County Judge to execute change order no. 3 to the Tandem Services, LLC contract for the 23rd Street Paving, Drainage & Utility Rehabilitation project submitted by the County Engineer



Consideration of authorizing the County Judge to execute change order no. 1 to the Texas Gulf Construction Co., Inc. contract for the Lauderdale Ramp and Dock Improvements project submitted by County Engineer



Consideration of authorizing the County Judge to execute the TCEQ RESTORE ACT contract extension for the Texas City Hurricane Protection Levee Repair I projects submitted by the County Engineer



Consideration of approval of a Galveston Seawall permit to Great Lake Dredge & Dock Company, LLC to utilize the Galveston Seawall to stage construction activities for the nourishment project at Babe's Beach submitted by the County Engineer



Consideration of approval to release bond no. 107491443 in the amount of $100,000.00 in association with Texas City Hurricane Levee permit no. TCSW-22-375 issued to TNMP submitted by the County Engineer



Consideration of approval to authorize the County Engineer to issue a sand pit permit to CWT Holdings, LLC/Colton Thomas submitted by the County Engineer



Consideration of approval to authorize the County Engineer to issue a sand pit permit to Sidney Bouse submitted by the County Engineer



Consideration of approval an order of abandonment for certain portions of Ave A adjacent to lots 23-24 Block 19 of the San Leon Townsite submitted by Platting & Right-of-Way



Consideration of approval of Sanderling subdivision plat submitted by Platting & Right-of-Way



Consideration of approval of application from 369 Holding LLC for a partial replat of San Leon Farm Home Tracts submitted by Platting & Right-of-Way



Consideration of approval of renewing the Information Security and Privacy (ISP) agreement with Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs in accordance with 10 TAC §1.24(a)(16) submitted by Legal Services Manager



Consideration of authorizing the County Judge to execute second amendment to a contract for sale of approximately 8.7957 acres of land located at 54th Street and Broadway Blvd. in the City of Galveston, Texas submitted by Legal Services Manager



Consideration of renewal of library services agreement between Galveston County and the Rosenberg Library Association submitted by Legal Services Manager



Consideration of authorizing the County Judge to execute a quitclaim deed in favor of The Diocese of Galveston-Houston for Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in Block 22 in the City of Galveston submitted by Legal Services Manager (Filed in Real Property Records of County Clerk’s Office, having instrument File No. 2023037233.)


Motion to approve consent agenda item 40 only by County Judge Henry, seconded by Commissioner Apffel.


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)


Motion to approve consent agenda items 1 - 40 by County Judge Henry, seconded by Commissioner Armstrong with the exception of item(s): 11, 21, 26k, 40. (Agenda item 21 deferred. Agenda items 11, 26k and 40 voted on separately.)


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)





Commissioner, Precinct 2



Consideration of approval of the following budget amendment:



District Attorney - Request transfer from General Fund - Budgeted Reserves to District Attorney - Various Line Items to fund the position under general fund


Motion to approve by Commissioner Holmes, seconded by Commissioner Giusti that the above action be taken by the Court.


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)



County Clerk



Public hearing on the County Clerk's Proposed Records Archive Fee established under §118.025 and §118.011(f) of the Texas Local Government Code


Public Hearing was opened at 9:39 A.M.

Public Hearing held.

No public comments.

Public Hearing was closed at 9:39 A.M.



Consideration of adoption of the County Clerk's Proposed Records Archive Fee established under §118.025 and §118.011(f) of the Texas Local Government Code


Motion to approve by Commissioner Giusti, seconded by Commissioner Apffel that the above action be taken by the Court.


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)



District Clerk



Public hearing on the District Clerk's Proposed Records Archive Fee established under §51.305 of the Texas Government Code


Public Hearing was opened at 9:40 A.M.

Public Hearing held.

No public comments.

Public Hearing was closed at 9:40 A.M.



Consideration of adoption of the District Clerk's Proposed Records Archive Fee established under §51.305 of the Texas Government Code


Motion to approve by Commissioner Giusti, seconded by Commissioner Apffel that the above action be taken by the Court.


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)



Professional Services



Consideration for Commissioners' Court to propose a tax rate as required by Senate Bill 2


Motion by County Judge Henry, seconded by Commissioner Giusti proposing a tax rate of .341964 on the $100 of valuation.


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)






Consideration of approval of awarding the following bid and authorizing the County Judge to execute the contracts for the following:



RFP #B231012A, HVAC & Refrigeration Services


Motion to approve by County Judge Henry, seconded by Commissioner Armstrong that contract be awarded to Hunton Services, as requested.


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)



Consideration of authorization to award the following:



ITB #B231025, Jackson Ave Drainage Improvements - Phase II (9th St. to North of 14th St.)


Motion to approve by County Judge Henry, seconded by Commissioner Giusti that contract be awarded to Gulf Coast Limestone, Inc., as requested.


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)



RFP #B231030, Air Monitoring Equipment


Motion to approve by County Judge Henry, seconded by Commissioner Giusti that contract be awarded to FarrWest Environmental Supply, Inc., as recommended.


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)



Right of Way



Bayside Subdivision replat



Receive public comments


Public Hearing was opened at 9:43 A.M.

Public Hearing held.

No public comments.

Public Hearing was closed at 9:43 A.M.



Consideration of approval, approval with conditions or disapprove of replat


Motion to approve unconditionally by County Judge Henry, seconded by Commissioner Apffel that the above action be taken by the Court.


Passed: 5-0


Aye: County Judge Henry, Commissioner Apffel, Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Holmes, Commissioner Armstrong

Nay: (None)



General Counsel



Break into Executive Session:


Break into Executive Session at 9:44 A.M.



Executive Session: Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, Deliberation Regarding Real Property: the Commissioners Court will enter into executive session as permitted under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code, Deliberation Regarding Real Property: to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property because deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of Galveston County in negotiations with a third person relating to the following items:



Property located at 54th Street and Broadway Blvd. in the City of Galveston Texas



Former Public Health Complex occupied by the Children’s Center



Reconvene into Regular Meeting


Reconvene into Regular Meeting at 10:20 A.M.




Commissioners Court adjourned at 10:20 A.M. on Monday, August 7, 2023.